Wednesday, October 23, 2013

30 Day Book Challenge - Day 23

Day 23 – A Book I’ve Wanted to Read for a Long Time, But Still Haven’t.

Wild - From Lost to Found on the Pacific Crest Trail, by Cheryl Strayed

About a year ago, within a span of a week, three people said I should read it. I backpack, I love to travel, I’m an enlightened female and I read. I have even gone so far as hauling up a hard-back book on a backpacking trip. Naturally this book is a perfect recommendation. My mother raved about it a few months later and bought myself and sister-in-law a copy. So there it is, sitting on my self waiting to be read. So why haven’t I read it? To be frank, I have succumbed to ease the e-reader. My three year old son doesn’t think I am ignoring him when I read off of my phone or kindle because I can pretend that I am doing something important on the kitchen counter, when all I am really doing is reading. Ridiculous as that excuse is, I vow - Wild will be the next physical book I pick up and read.

Mt Jefferson, Oregon, July 2013


  1. You will not regret it for one minute!

    1. Thanks Mom :) I had a feeling you'd say that. I promise it will happen this year, and then I'll gush all about it.

  2. I made the mistake of reading the first two chapters last year while waiting for my flight to take off....last year...when I thought my Mom was really really sick....there I was in first class bawling my eyes out. Word to the wise read those chapters in the peace and happiness of your house!
