Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Day 29 - A Book I Loved That Everybody Else Hated.

Day 29 - A Book I Loved That Everybody Else Hated.

Shatter Me, by Tahereh Mafi

This post has me in a quandary because it is ultimately admitting that my opinion isn't golden.  Then I went through my bookshelves, both physical and virtual, and had to really think.  There are many books I hated that others loved.  Who is this "everybody" book police anyways.    After my muses, I recalled thoroughly enjoying Shatter Me.  It was written in a unique style that I believe others felt put off by.  It took some getting accustomed to, but I found it refreshing.  It was not something I would say that I ultimately "loved' but I enjoyed it, while discovering others had not.


  1. Hi Molly! *waves* For some reason I didn't know you had this blog!

    My coblogger Tonya really liked this book too, as did a lot of other people I know, so you're definitely not alone! I confess to being in the camp that wished it hadn't been quite so flowery, though.

    Wendy @ The Midnight Garden

    1. Hey Wendy!! Yes, I'm not the best of consistent bloggers, but I'm **flexing fingers** working in it ;) S'ok you didn't feel this book. I just remember gobbling it up, and then was surprised at the many folks not feeling it. I can't say I "loved" it, and the next day, I thought of many others I couldn't used on the challenge for this :D
