Day 11 - A Book You Hated: Undeniable, Madeline Sheehan
I've held off reviewing this book for over six months, but this 30 day book challenge has made me face the demons. Undeniably a disgusting portrayal of woman in the motorcycling world. I cannot recall any specific problems with the editing of this novel, however as a woman this book is wrong. What I typically enjoy in a romance story line is that moment when the hero/heroine come to that moment of possession, mutual love and respect. Here is a story with incredibly disturbing progression of an unhealthy relationship of woman who continues to leave her fate up to men who have no respect for women whatsoever. Bleh. Bleh all around.
Day 12 - Book I Love, But Hate at the Same Time:Echo In The Bone, Diana Gabaldon
I love the Outlander series.
For the length of each novel, and the fact that I have read, and re-read these stories speaks for itself.
Gabaldon has created the most epic love story of a historical romance series of my age.
For the past decade, I have eagerly gobbled up and listened to the lovely Davina Porter weave the story of the Claire and Jamie Fraser. But, my entertainment screeched to a halt after reading the last fourth of Echo In The Bone. I was belligerently angry when I finished book 7 of the Outlander series due to spoilery comments I won't relay. Hopefully #8 adds a balm to my romantic soul.
Day 13 - My Favorite Writer: C.S Lewis
When I was a young catholic student in the fourth grade, my imagination exploded. It started one day, when I was introduced to a religious interpretation of a man's story of Christ's crucifixion. As a young child, I understood the parallel, and yet in my own back-yard I found myself dreaming of being one of the many few children who were gifted with that sudden jolt into another world. Each Narnian story delved into a realm of paranormal that I had yet to even consider. What I wouldn't give to sit and have tea or a pint with Tolkein and Lewis at their favorite pub.
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