Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Clay Heartbreak

There once was a great love affair under various plants, shrubs and a porch. It began when Mr Stoney gnome met Bucksome Gnoma from Levenworth, Washington in August of 2008.  Stoney lived a very solitary life during the the past decade until he finally found a worthy companion.  Occaisonally Bucksome Gnoma would venture off to cavort with the neighbor gnome Gerald, but for the majority of their gnomance, their love was true. 

 Then one day, another gnome came onto the scene.

As a young and sometimes clumsy gnome-child, unfortunate things can happen to clay-like creatures. Thus ends the existence of Stoney Gnome.  He is beyond repair, which is a tragedy because he sustained fixable damage from the Big Yellow Dog a few winters back.  Alas, these injuries we cannot mend.

  I have yet to tell Bucksome Gnoma.  She has taken a short break from the outside and is keeping company indoors with the monkey candlesticks. It just so happened to be the day before tragedy struck.  I hope that someday she will heal her poor harlot heart and find a clay soul to love again.  Until then, I have it in mind to hit up the antique store from whence Stoney came in hopes to distract the widowed Bucksome Gnoma.    I'd hate to break the news to her until after the holidays are through.


  1. Poor Bucksome! I'll keep an eye out for a suitable companion.

    1. Thanks Stacey! I know Stoney has a cousin in your neck of the woods. She might come tickle him soon!
